Hospital Maternity and Delivery Rates in Malaysia 2023

Ever wondered How Much Does It Cost To Deliver A Baby in KL, Selangor and Putrajaya? Find out and compare hospital delivery rates and maternity packages below. Although the numbers and statistics are everywhere on the internet, we have compiled and organised the information accordingly (by hospital) in one place. The pricing information below is based on the published prices from major centres and pricing information available on blogs and the internet. Alert: Explore Coronavirus Articles Here is the list: Universiti Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) | PPUM Delivery Package 2019 Vodoo2k shared at (2019) All of our 6 babies were born in UM with 5 in UMSC (Specialist wing) and the last one in PPUM. In my case, we followed the gynae and yupe, cost also plays an important part in deciding where to deliver your miracle hehe. PPUM is actually on the same floor as UMSC and other than you can't choose the attending doc who will receive your baby plus the difference...