Hospital Maternity and Delivery Rates in Malaysia 2023

Ever wondered How Much Does It Cost To Deliver A Baby in KL, Selangor and Putrajaya? Find out and compare hospital delivery rates and maternity packages below.

maternity package malaysia 2020

Although the numbers and statistics are everywhere on the internet, we have compiled and organised the information accordingly (by hospital) in one place. The pricing information below is based on the published prices from major centres and pricing information available on blogs and the internet. 

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Here is the list:

Universiti Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) | PPUM Delivery Package 2019

Vodoo2k shared at (2019)
All of our 6 babies were born in UM with 5 in UMSC (Specialist wing) and the last one in PPUM. In my case, we followed the gynae and yupe, cost also plays an important part in deciding where to deliver your miracle hehe. PPUM is actually on the same floor as UMSC and other than you can't choose the attending doc who will receive your baby plus the difference in costs, there is not so much difference between UMSC and PPUM. On the cost though, there has been a steady increase for UMSC since 2008 till now. My first daughter was born in 2008 with a total cost of RM2200 for a 3 days 2 night stay versus my 5th boy who was born in 2016 with a total cost of RM5500 for a 1 day no night stay hahah. My last daughter born last year in 2018 at PPUM costs only RM450++.

jbanya shared at (2015)
UMSC Maternity Package
Estimated cost : Normal delivery RM4,000 and Cesarean RM8,000
Both during the day and labour at night, registration can be done at the delivery ward. If labour at night, the deposit will be collected the next day.
UMSC only provide baby wipe, Diapers (10pcs), Sanitary Pad and kindly note that all these are chargeable. Patient has to bring the rest of the items.
We only have single room for maternity ward which is at RM238 + RM50(Nursing Charges)
Husband is allowed to enter during labour ( to discuss with doctor during consultation)

By (source)

Note: UMSC is the private wing for UMMC. The cost is relatively higher. PPUM is Pusat Perubatan University Malaya, the public arm.

Sunway Medical Centre Maternity Package

Normal/Vaginal: RM 3,500 - 4,500 
Cesarean (C Section): RM 6,500 - 9,000
By (source, 2020)

Sunway Medical Centre - 3.7 Star Rating on Google Reviews.

To find gynaecologists in Sunway Medical, check out gynecologists in PJ.

Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur (Bangsar) Delivery Packages

Normal/Vaginal: RM 5,040 - 7,200 (deposit 6,000)
Cesarean (C Section): RM 11,520 - 14,400 (deposit 12,000)
Water birth: 9,000 - 11,000 (deposit 8,000)

Source (2016):

Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur - 3.3 Star Rating on Google Reviews.

To find medical specialists in Pantai Bangsar: Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur Doctors

Subang Jaya Medical Centre | SJMC Delivery Packages

Normal/Vaginal: 7,000 (deposit 7,000)
Cesarean (C Section): 12,000
Author’s note: This is only an estimate, and may be higher or lower depending on the actual diagnosis and course of treatment, choice of bed, complications, etc.

Source (2016):

To find medical specialists in SJMC: Subang Jaya Medical Centre Doctors

Related: Isteri Rasa Bersalah Kos Rawatan Bersalin Cecah RM20k

Prince Court Maternity Package 2020

Normal Delivery
No drugs, 3D2N (Single Room) — RM9,000
No drugs, 2D1N (Single Room) — RM7,000
Epidural, Circumcision for Baby, Baby in Photo Therapy, 5D4N — RM18,000

Cesarean Delivery
4D3N (Single Room) — RM12,000
4D3N — RM12,900

Hospital service charges plus 2 nights stay in a private single standard room: RM8,115.35
Disbursement to Dr Azmil (for epidural) - RM1,657
Disbursement to Dr Choy (paediatrician to care for your new baby) - RM1,597
Disbursement to Dr Paul (obstetrician to care for the mother) - RM2,440
Total - RM13,648.80
Source (2016):

Normal delivery rate: RM5,000 – RM10,000
Caesarean delivery rate: RM10,000 – RM15,000
Emergency caesarean rate: RM15,000 – RM20,000
Ultrasound charges from RM150 to RM400.
Separate bill for the baby in nursery, the estimated price is RM2,000 to RM4,000.
The estimated price quoted above includes room and food for all deliveries subject to changes.

To find gynaecologists in KL, check out gynecologists in KL.

Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur 

Normal/Vaginal: 5,000 - 7,500 (deposit 5,000)
Cesarean (C Section): 8,000 - 11,500 (deposit 8,000)
Notes: This cost excludes any type of complications. This does not constitute a package and may vary with room type and other arising medical conditions.

Tung Shin Maternity Package

Normal delivery – RM 3,500 ( inclusive of ward charges for mother and baby).
Vacuum delivery – RM 4,000
Epidural in labour –RM 4,300
Caesarean Section from failed vaginal birth - RM 7,000.
By (source)

Thomson Hospital Kota Damansara (formerly known as Tropicana Medical Centre)

Normal/Vaginal: 4,000 - 6,000 
Cesarean (C Section): 8,500 - 12,000 
Notes: The amount provided is a lump sum estimated cost for birth delivery (with no complications). Fee will be charged as per service provided and per item/medication used during the delivery and stay in the hospital.

KPJ Damansara Specialist Hospital

Normal Delivery
Epidural, 3D2N (Double Room) — RM6,000

KPJ Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital

Maternity Package Single Bed - RM 3500.00
Maternity Package 2 Bedded - RM 3000.00
Maternity Package 4 Bedded - RM 2500.00
From (source)

Assunta Hospital

Normal Delivery
No drugs, 3D2N (Single Room) — RM5,800

Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL)

Normal Delivery
No drugs, 2D1N — RM60+
From (source)

UKM Medical Centre
(formerly known as Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM))

Normal Delivery — RM240
From (source)

Cesarean Delivery
4D3N — RM1,800
Emergency Cesarean Delivery (Private Wing)
Pitocin (induce), Epidural, Gas, General Anaesthesia (GA), With forceps, 3D2N (Single Junior Suite Room) — RM8,200

Hospital Ampang

Emergency Cesarean Delivery
5D4N (3rd Class Ward), Baby in NICU for 2 Days — RM190

Hospital Putrajaya

Cesarean Delivery
4D3N — RM1,200

Emergency Cesarean Delivery
With Bilateral Tubal Ligation, Baby in NICU for 10 Days, Total Hospital Stay 24 Days — RM3,800

Normal Delivery (FPP)
With vacuum, 4D3N — RM1,300
Full Paying Patient (FPP) Delivery Charges

Columbia Asia (Setapak)

Normal Delivery
Pitocin (induce), Pethidine, 3D2N — RM3,000+

Columbia Asia PJ 

Normal/Vaginal: 4,000 - 6,000 
Cesarean (C Section): 6,000 - 11,000 

Columbia Asia (Puchong)

Normal Delivery
No drugs, 1N (Double Room) — RM3,000
Emergency Cesarean Delivery
3D2N (Single Room) — RM9,500

Columbia Asia (Bukit Rimau)

Normal Delivery
No drugs, 2D1N (Double Room) — RM3,500

Columbia Asia (Balakong)

Normal Delivery
No drugs, 2D1N (Double Room) — RM4,000

Cesarean Delivery
3D2N (Single Room) — RM8,000

If there are any useful information or useful links that we’ve missed, then please let us know in the comments and we’ll try to add them to the post!

If you have not read this guide, you might want to read this first: How do you choose a Gynae in Malaysia.


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