6 Best Milk for Pregnancy Malaysia 2022

When it comes to the best milk powder for pregnant mothers in Malaysia, a search on Google will throw up more than 10 pages of search results. The sheer number and variety of milk powder options by itself is already overwhelming, let alone the differences. 

There are many different brands of milk formulas in Malaysia. We have trawled through the reviews, Google search results and milk powder comparison information available on blogs and forums, and shortlisted the best for you. Here are the best milk powders you can buy online in Malaysia today, if you are pregnant and breast-feeding.

1. Anmum Materna | Anmum Materna Review Malaysia

Anmum Materna has two flavours, chocolate and original.

Anmum Materna Chocolate Milk Powder > Check Price on Lazada

Anmum Materna Plain Milk Powder > Check Price on Lazada

Anmum™ Materna is specially formulated to support the nutritional needs of you and your developing baby. The only pre-natal milk that has no added sugars* and also low in fat. Thousands of mothers trust Anmum™ Materna to provide the best nutritional support, making us the Number 1** choice of mothers in Singapore.

**Fonterra Brands Calculation based in part on data reported by Nielsen through its scan track for the maternal milk (Mother’s supplements, Category, for the 52 week period ending June 2011, in the Total Supermarkets/Hypermarkets channel (Copyright© 2011, The Nielsen Company)

2. Anmum Lacta

  • Anmum™ Lacta is formulated to replenish maternal stores during the post-natal period.
  • The only milk powder brand formulated for nursing/breastfeeding mums and is low in fat and contain key lactating nutrients.
  • Key lactating nutrients help the body to release energy, supporting the production of breastmilk.
  • Contains DHA and Nuelipid™ for higher GA®. DHA and GA® supports brain development and brain cells connections.
  • With other important nutrients such as SA, Calcium, Vitamin B (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12), Iron and Inulin.

Out of Stock? Find in Shopee

3. Frisomum Gold

- Made in Holland
- Formulated with DualCare+ essential nutrients to support physiological changes during pregnancy, and provides a good foundation for your ever-growing little one. 
- Low in Glycemic Index (GI) to help pregnant mums maintain a healthy weight throughout their pregnancy. 
- Contains Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Folic Acid, Iodine and Calcium

Out of stock? Find on Lazada or Shopee

4. Enfamama Milk Booster

- Formulated to support the nutritional needs of pregnant and lactating moms.

> 360° DHA Plus contains a unique blend of nutrients:
- 100mg DHA - Scientifically formulated to help meet expert recommended daily DHA intake.
- High in Folid Acid - Folid Acid is essential for growth and division of cells.
- High in Choline - Maternal milk with highest levels of Choline.
- Calcium - Calcium aids in the development of strong bones and teeth.
- Vitamin D - Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus.
- Iron - Iron is a factor in red blood cell formation.
- Inulin - Prebiotic (inulin) helps increase intestinal bifidobacteria and helps maintain a good intestinal environment.

Enfamama Price

Out of stock? Find on Lazada or Shopee

5. Wyeth ProMama

- Supports Gut Comfort with A2 Milk Protein and the Prebiotic Oligofuctose
- A2 Milk Protein is gentle on tummies. Studies shown individuals who consume A2 milk protein show less gastrointestinal discomfort.
- Supports Cognitive Development of Baby : Sphingomyelin, DHA & Choline
- Supports Growth & Development of Baby : High in Folic Acid, Calcium & Vitamin D
- 0% Sucrose

Wyeth Promama Price

Out of stock? Find on Lazada or Shopee

6. Nestle Mom Pouch

- Specially designed formulated milk drink that is packed with important nutrients and BL BIFIDUS® (Bifidobacterium lactis) for you and your child during pregnancy and lactation.

- Suitable as soon as you know that you are pregnant or when you start breastfeeding. By continuing to drink 2 glasses of MOM & ME throughout your pregnancy and the whole breastfeeding period, you provide your child with loving nutrition and protection right from day 1.

- Contains 20 Vitamins & Minerals including:

> Folic Acid 42% RNI1
   i.   Maintains growth & development of an unborn child
   ii.   Plays a role in the formation of red blood cells

> Calcium 54% RNI1 - To aid in building your child’s bones & teeth and to meet you own calcium needs

> Iron 43% RNI1,3+ - To support new red blood cells for both you & your child
> Vitamin A 33% RNI1 - For skin health and functioning of the eyes
> Vitamin C 79% RNI1 - For better absorption of iron from your foods
> BL BIFIDUS® probiotics - Beneficial, friendly bacteria
> DHA 87.6 mg per day1 - Is an important component of the brain

> Energy 12.5% RNI1,2 & Protein 25% RNI1
   i.   To meet the increased demands of pregnancy and breastfeeding
   ii.   To support your child’s growth & development

> DHA - An important component of the brain

Nestle Mom Pouch Price

Out of stock? Find on Lazada or Shopee

Nutritional Comparison by Brand

Credit: sgbudgetbabe.com



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